Cutest Easter Bunny Rabbit Ever!

Eight week old Bun celebrates his first Easter! When this sweet, Netherland Dwarf baby bunny was placed inside his Easter basket, he was so relaxed and almost fell asleep. He had fun searching for Easter eggs and hopping all around the grass.
Although the coronavirus/COVID-19 quarantine is still taking place, Bun continues to keep the smiles coming with his goofy personality.
When he first joined our family, he was extremely shy and timid. That only lasted about 16 hours before he shared his spunky side. Now, he hops around all day and runs to us when we call for him. He’s so excited for his very first Easter and we are so glad he gets to spend it with us.
Bun is looking forward to hiding more Easter eggs around the house and coloring eggs soon. Stay safe and enjoy your Easter!
Client: Bun Bun
Location: San Jose, CA
Delivered: Processed photos & video