Mmm, video that will surely boost your appetite.
Visit the Scrambl’z homepage to view the video footage we created for this restaurant’s website. Scrambl’z restaurant is truly a FUN place to eat.
The vibrant colors, inviting images all over the walls, the table inside the VW Bus, and delicious food all make this restaurant special. Filming this happy environment during this promotional video was a pleasure for us to be around.
To begin the day, we were treated by the very kind staff members to their delicious orange juice, fresh carrot juice, “Berry Good” french toast, and an omelet. This is the type of food your mouth waters for when you see your server making their way over to your table and it tastes even better than how it looks.
We traveled throughout Scrambl’z filming the atmosphere and tasty dishes, but most importantly we captured videos of the happy moments being shared with one another at each table.
Client: Scrambl’z Restaurant
Location: Scrambl’z Almaden, Scrambl’z Alameda | San Jose, CA
Delivered: Uncut video footage